Saturday, December 28, 2019

Customize this Outstanding Biomedical Engineer Resume Sample

Customize this Outstanding Biomedical Engineer Resume SampleCustomize this Outstanding Biomedical Engineer Resume SampleCreate Resume Nicolas Alvarez100 Broadway LaneNew Parkland, CA 91010Cell (555) 987-1234nicolasalvarez.comProfessional Summary Innovative Biomedical Engineer with experience in optics, medical and electrical production. Extensive design and development work in the areas of optical, mechanical and electrical subsystems. Focus on engineering development documentation.Core QualificationsSubsystem design and documentationEngineering workshop managementElectrical and mechanical designComponent buildingDocumentation writingArticle contributionPrototype equipment useExperienceBiomedical Engineer, March 2009 March 2015United Labs New Parkland, CAOversaw organization and management of engineering workshop, as well as 10 employees.Performed design, development and documentation work for subsystems in the areas of electrical, mechanical and optical fields.Worked with vendors as well as in-house to design and fabricate medical components.Biomedical Engineer, June 2006 March 2009LabTech New Parkland, CAPerformed electrical and mechanical design for imaging systems.Wrote user documentation for design, assembly and use of equipment.Designed, assembled and maintained prototype equipment.Education2006 Bachelor of Science, PhysicsNew Parkland University New Parkland, CACustomize Resume

Monday, December 23, 2019

How Not to Reconnect With an Old Contact

How leid to Reconnect With an Old ContactHow Not to Reconnect With an Old ContactYou know by now that there are many reasons why a strong network is invaluable. One of the best is that your network is a group of people with whom you dont have to start at square one Meaning, you dont need to build rapport before you pitch a business opportunity or potential partnership.The schwierigkeit? People take advantage of this all too often. Remember Just because you didnt have to work to get an introduction, doesnt mean you can simply wing the rest. Its tempting to think, My contacts already know Im smart and professional, so obviously, any opportunity I approach them with is a good one. But even if people believe in you, and even if they believe youd be a great hire, business partner, vendor, or whatever, people arent just looking for a good opportunity, theyre looking for the right opportunity. And selling anyone on the right opportunity takes prep work and a solid approach.So, how can you e nsure your contacts give your pitch serious consideration? Pitches are, of course, as unique as the products or experiences themselves, but I can tell you- across the board- there are four things you must avoid at all costs. Read on to make sure you dont make any of these mistakes when reconnecting with an old contact for a business opportunity.Mistake 1 Using the Wrong MediumInstead Use What You Would for Any Other Professional CommunicationI recently had someone reach out to me with a business opportunity- via Facebook messaging. Facebook, Twitter, Gchat- if its a platform where messages are often sent for social purposes, your contact may assume youre reaching out to reconnect socially (rather than professionally). Moreover, limited characters will truncate your pitch, and emoticons dont exactly scream professionalism.So, what should you do? Reach out by email, LinkedIn, or phone, just as you would for a prestigious client. Only connected to the person via Facebook or Twitter? Se nd a short message that asks for his or her contact information, and proceed from there.Mistake 2 Being Overly Friendly Instead Be Pleasant, Then Get to the PointWhen youre reaching out to an old contact, some niceties are obviously appropriate, but too many catching up messages will landseem inauthentic. If you spend too long framing your interest as reconnecting, one of two things will happen 1. Shell take you at your word and not be interested anything other than chatting, or 2. Shell see through it and wonder how much time youre going to spend buttering her up before you get to whatever youre trying to sell.Instead, send a message thats a complete first impression. It should be friendly enough to demonstrate that youre already connected, but straightforward enough to show you mean business.For example, Hi Sara, I hope this email finds you well. As cold as it is here, I can only imagine what it must feel like in Maine I am reaching out because I recently launched a new fitness co mpany that Id love to discuss with you further. When might be a convenient time, and what is the best way to reach you?Mistake 3 Assuming Someone Will Be Interested Instead Make Sure Your Pitch is Professional and CompellingAgain, your contacts know youre great- but that doesnt mean that theyll immediately know your business idea or sales opportunity is. Even if youre excited to get started, remember that you should show people you know the same level of professionalism youd show anyone else. What do you need before youd feel comfortable approaching someone random- a killer phone pitch? A website thats up and running- or at least a landing page? A professional PowerPoint presentation? If you want someone to hire you or invest in your product, you need to bring your A-game.Of course, theres a time and a place for reaching out to people for advice before your pitch is polished and perfect. So, group your contact list. Contacts you feel comfortable asking for advice go in a different c olumn than contacts you are trying to impress. Wait to reach out to the group you want something from until you know exactly how you want to present what youre selling.Mistake 4 Skipping the Follow UpInstead Be Present (But Not Annoying)So, your contact is interested or wants to learn a little more? Great. Now is not the time to assume everythings in the bag- its time to follow up the same way you would with anyone else. For example, I once had a contact pitching me on an opportunity who, upon being asked a question (that I can only assume she wasnt prepared for), fell silent for one week. Think Id want to work with someone who, when thrown a curveball, disappears for a week? Not exactly. (On the flip side, of course, dont harass people if you havent heard from them right away- and wait at least five days between your initial inquiry and when you check in. You want to come off as proactive, not needy.)Another common follow-up mistake? Not listening. I had someone approach me, and wh en I asked for a link to learn more, she said she only wanted to follow up by phone. Perhaps she had her reasons, but if you want to impress someone, be the kind of person he or she would want to partner with- knowledgeable, accommodating, and kind.If you want to get an old contact on board with a new project, lead with a strong, professional pitch, and then be responsive to the follow-up that works best for him or her. If you start out with a solid plan and are prepared to regroup when necessary, youll do just fine.Image of conversation courtesy of Shutterstock.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The State of Tech Hiring in Cincinnati

The State of Tech Hiring in Cincinnati The State of Tech Hiring in Cincinnati THE STATE OF TECH HIRING IN CINCINNATIQ3 and Q4 2019TOP SKILLS IN IMMEDIATE DEMAND1. Cybersecurity2. Cloud security3. Cloud computing4. Network administration5. Database managementOF TECHNOLOGY LEADERS SURVEYED 71% plan to expand their teams.27% plan to fill only vacant positions.95% say its challenging to find IT talent in their area.99% are confident in their companys prospects for growth.99% will bring on project-based IT employees. Below are the top reasonsConsultants are parte of our hiring strategy 64%When theres a sudden vacancy 59%For especially busy times 52%When a skill does not exist internally 47%For unplanned, time-sensitive projects 45%Multiple responses allowed.TOP BUSINESS CONCERNS1. Maintaining security of IT systems2. Innovation or helping grow the business3. Investing in new technologies

Friday, December 13, 2019

25 questions to ask in your next interview Ladders 2019 Interviews Guide

25 questions to ask in your next interview Ladders 2019 Interviews Guide25 questions to ask in your next interview Ladders 2019 Interviews GuideTo best understand company culture, the types of people who are successful there, and the particular requirements or desires for the position itself, Ive assembled the following 25 questions for you to ask the HR person, the recruiter, the hiring manager, and the other people you interview. These are useful because they are open-ended enough for an answer to be revealing, while relevant enough to the context of an interview to binnenseem sensible. They dont feel very threatening to ask - they allow you to feel sharp - and yet they can produce reams and reams of insight into the heart of the operation and its people.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreWith that, here are your 25 easy-to-ask, revealing-to-answer questions to take to an inte rview1. Whats the biggest change your group has gone through in the last year? Is the strong economy growing your business? Or not yet?2. Which competitor worries you the most?3. If I get the job, how do I earn a perfect score on my performance review? What are the key accomplishments youd like to see in this role over the next year?4. What are the three things I can contribute in the first 100 days to make you feel great about hiring me? What are the most important things to the success of this role overall?5. Whats your (or my future bosss) leadership style?6. How does sales / operations / technology / absatzwirtschaft / finance work around here? (I.e., groups other than the one youre interviewing for).7. What type of people are successful here? What type of people are not?8. Whats one thing thats key to this companys success that somebody from outside the company wouldnt know about?9. How did you get your start in this industry? Why do you stay? (Asked well - i.e., asking the qu estion and then not interrupting at all - this question alone can have your interviewer chatting away for 10 or 20 minutes of fond reminisces.)10. What are your groups best and worst working relationships with other groups in the company? What are the pain points you have to deal with day-to-day?11. What keeps you up at night? Whats your biggest worry unterstellung days?12. Who are my customers (internal or external) and how do they measure me / us? Who views me (my team) as a customer (internal or external)?13. Whats the timeline for making a decision on this position? When should I get back in touch with you?14. The economy is strong, unemployment is down, and theres a lot of hiring demand out there. Among all the roles that you could have prioritized, why did you decide to prioritize this one instead of the others you could have hired for?15. What is your reward system? Is it a star system / team-oriented / equity-based / bonus-based / pat-on-the-back-based? Why is that your rew ard system? What do you hope to get out of it, and what actually happens when you put it into practice? What are the positives and the negatives of your reward system? If you could change any one thing, what would it be?16. What does success for this group / team / company look like in one year? In five years?17. What information is shared with the employees (revenues, costs, operating metrics)? Is this an open book shop, or do you play it closer to the vest? How is information shared? How do I get access to the information I need to be successful in this job?18. Looking ahead, if we are going to have a very successful year in 2020, what will that look like? What will we have done in the time before then to make it successful? How does this position help achieve those goals? (This question helps show your ability to look beyond todays duties to the future more than a year away.)19. How does the company / my future boss do performance reviews? How do I make the most of the performanc e review process to ensure that Im doing the best I can for the company?20. What is the rhythm to the work around here? Is there a time of year that its all hands on deck and were pulling all-nighters, or is it pretty consistent throughout the year? How about during the week / month? Is it pretty evenly spread throughout the week / month, or are there crunch days?21. What type of industry / functional / skills-based experience and background are you looking for in the person who will fill this position? What would the perfect candidate look like? How do you assess my experience in comparison? What gaps do you see?22. What is your (or my future boss) hiring philosophy? Is it hire the attitude / teach the skills or are you primarily looking to add people with domain expertise first and foremost?23. Is this a new position, or an existing position? If new, why was it created and what are the expectations? If an existing position, where did the prior person go? What were the things that person did really well, that you hope to see in the next person? What are the things you hope will change?24. In my career, Ive primarily enjoyed working with big / small / growing / independent / private / public / family-run companies. If thats the case, how successful will I be at your firm?25. Who are the heroes at your company? What characteristics do the people who are most celebrated have in common with each other? Conversely, what are the characteristics that are common to the promising people you hired, but who then flamed out and failed or left? As Im considering whether or not Id be successful here, how should I think about the experiences of the heroes and of the flame-outs?You may want to score these answers along the framework I created above, or on a framework of your own making. Or you may focus entirely on the qualitative side of your conversations.In any event, this list of questions enables you to come to (every) interview with a few good questions. Even though Im usually the final person to meet a candidate here at Ladders, Im always surprised when people Im interviewing say they dont have any questions for me. Sure, its understandable that youve already met four of my colleagues and theyve answered a lot of the open questions you had about Ladders, but, really? You have absolutely no good questions for me? Not even just asking me the exact same ones to see if our answers vary? Its common enough, though, that it seems three interviews in one day is about as long as a candidate can maintain their ability to ask questions.Its also a shame, because asking questions in interviews is only 50% about addressing your needs, explaining the role to you, and satisfying your curiosity. The other 50% of asking questions is showing your capability for critical thinking about the company, the industry, and the role. Using your question time to show off your good noodle by asking (brief) insightful questions, is a much better use of the time than saying th at you have no questions. And even if you do run out of questions, there is the great, all-purpose, anytime, anyplace question to ask Is there anything else I shouldve asked but didnt?This article is adapted fromLadders 2019 Interviews Guide 74 Questions That Will Land You The Job(Ladders, Inc. , 2019). Purchase the Kindle Single for immediate download here.**Disclosure Ladders from time-to-time uses affiliate links. At no additional cost to you, we will receive a commission if you click through and make a purchase.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

The Pain of Do You Include References on a Resume

The Pain of Do You Include References on a Resume Things You Wont Like About Do You Include References on a Resume and Things You Will Lets take a quick glance at the five principal areas of the typical resume. As soon as its important to get people who can vouch for your abilities and abilities, offering a list of references right from the gate during work search isnt always the ideal policy. Read more help with writing a very good thesis statement learn how to create your own Read the job description carefully The work description should tell you all you will need to learn about how or in the event that you should send references. Based on the area youre applying to may influence your zupflmmel of business references. For instance, if youre going into the work market for the very first time, you might just must list three references. For that reason, it is sensible to put your most important fans first. You would be a lot wiser to incorporate a tiny additional job history o r an extra skill collection. Follow guide unknown recommendations to tailor guide resume to each work description. Professional guide provides you with actionable strategies and the very best examples sure to create your qualifications on a resume shine A Secret Weapon for Do You Include References on a Resume Only submit your references if youre asked to. If you have the ability to find any of your references to likewise write letters, thats even better. If you are requested to send references, develop a distinct document rather than placing them directly on your resume. When used by employers, references might be vital part of the interview approach. Job references should not ever be included on a resume. You must be sure that all candidates are prepared to supply you with a positive reference. Pick the best references for the particular job under consideration. You might also politely remind the writer about the approaching due date. Provided that you use one of the 3 standard file included, you should be OK. Ensure your resume is complete. Ensure that your resume is polished. Definitions of Do You Include References on a Resume The possible employer sees the resume as a means to eliminate people from contention. Another way to consider is that each time a position open a business expects a particular number of applicants to apply. Unfortunately, the work search process doesnt work that manner. As a way of providing due diligence you may want to think about running a verification against an individuals ID to make sure you know the identity of the person that you are working with. Certifications and licensure in case you have a certification or licensure i. Find our what you have to put on your resume and what recruiters are searching for. Learn what recruiters want. Job recruiters would rather have an expert sales, which is a short summary of your relevant abilities, experience, and strengths. An expert guide header isnt writing an excellent idea. Your document should start out with a short but robust summary statement. You should also think about whether your organization enables you to be a reference. Please make sure that you use the right template to steer clear of breach of legislative requirements. The Secret to Do You Include References on a Resume Including a hyperlink to a lousy LinkedIn profile will do more damage than good. You can request a reference with a telephone call, or an email or a hard-copy letter, but in any event, you will want to compose your request carefully. There are a lot of ways to organize the info in your resume, but theres 1 format thats standard. Use the very first checklist to make sure your resume includes all appropriate info. You would rather not include things like an email address with a typo or a telephone number thats missing a digit. You must also ensure that youve got an expert photo and a superb number of connections. Following that, it is a bit unclear. Use the search box to find precisely what you are interested in. New Ideas Into Do You Include References on a Resume Never Before Revealed A hiring manager doesnt need to hear how great youre from a friend or relative. There are two fundamental strategies. You may incorporate volunteer work, especially if its the case that you dont have much paid work experience. Either can demonstrate the dean youre more than only an application.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

The Inexplicable Mystery Into Resume Writing Services Salisbury Md Uncovered

The Inexplicable Mystery Into Resume Writing Services Salisbury Md Uncovered You went through an interview, did not receive the job at that moment, and a couple of days later when you would like to recall, suddenly the phone appears to weigh 2,000 pounds. If you find work which you might not feel as if you are qualified for, that is all in your head. Put Bread on the Table You do not need to necessarily enjoy the job and theres no compulsion to stay longer than required. At times, you find it simple to become comfortable in your work and stick to what you only know. What is Truly Happening with Resume Writing Services Salisbury Md The list of services isnt extensive. Its also important to review what kinds of services are provided by the corporation. The services are basically the exact same as the ones it is possible to get on other high-quality sites. Other services they provide are presenting you with an expert LinkedIn profile. Why Almost Everything Youve Learned Abou t Resume Writing Services Salisbury Md Is Wrong The business is searching for someone to occupy the job, just call to keep reminding them which you exist. Whats the big deal if you make yourself look as a fool with an interview. Opportunities Thanks to the netz there is currently a great chance for job suggestions for stay at home young mums. Resume Writing Services Salisbury Md Secrets Or if youd like to physically get a copy of the finished product. If you need a plain resume and you may write your own content, the tool will provide you the format. Complete the basic info and experience, so that you can browse jobs by function and location. A work consultancy is the source of eligible human resources that are prepared to be fitted for any agency based on their qualification. In work, however, you may apply despite a high school diploma or its equivalent alone. Most temp agencies need you to have a resume. Most jobs dont ask for a particular education. Resume Writing Services Salisbury Md Secrets That No One Else Knows About Needless to say, the best method to discover such assistance is if you take a look into the top rated professional resume writing services reviews. As an expert review company, our intent is to research thoroughly and supply you with the very best possible top resume writing services reviews. When you open the search engines and begin searching for a reliable resume writing service, you will observe that there are scores and scores of companies which offer such aid. Whether you are a newcomer to writing resumes and cover letters or your written resume doesnt appear to secure you invited on several interviews, were right here to assist you. Freelancing is somewhat regarding the self initiated work, in which an individual or a team take projects from other business and submit after completion. Freelance provides you flexibility.